• After inflicting a significant amount of damage over the last year, DENY THE EMPIRE is set to embark on their biggest undertaking to date. Fall of the Fearless, their debut album, is set to be released at the end of 2010, beginning 2011.

    In many ways the album has signified a landmark and an evolution of their metalcore influences; bringing them into a more refined melodic death metal offering. 2010 will also mark the second year this five-piece has been together. With line-up changes and additions, DENY THE EMPIRE seems more set than ever to unleash their breed of pure metal on this world. Having played with some of South Africa's foremost metal outfits, DENY THE EMPIRE has grown from strength to strength, but as they've terrorized audiences over the course of these last few months, they have only really showed one thing: Fall of the Fearless has been long overdue.

    Circa 2008, DENY THE EMPIRE was born - DtE resolved early on to bring a uniquely brutal sound to the local metal scene - one that would very much define them today. Though the metal scene seemed to take a beating and wavored, DENY THE EMPIRE stood. Even with line up changes, DtE has shown resolve to bring new light to this dark world, to have their say and be heard. With an ever increasing passion and following, DENY THE EMPIRE now sits poised - ready to unleash their most ambitious offering.

  • Deny the Empire © 2009